

This module export functions which return QoS and Admin Properties constants.

To get access to all definitions include necessary hrl files by using:


'CycleDetection'() -> string()

This function returns the CycleDetection identifier; required when defining QoS Properties.

'AuthorizeCycles'() -> short()

This function returns the AuthorizeCycles value; required when defining QoS Properties.

'ForbidCycles'() -> short()

This function returns the ForbidCycles value; required when defining QoS Properties.

'DiamondDetection'() -> string()

This function returns the DiamondDetection identifier; required when defining QoS Properties.

'AuthorizeDiamonds'() -> short()

This function returns the AuthorizeDiamonds value; required when defining QoS Properties.

'ForbidDiamonds'() -> short()

This function returns the ForbidDiamonds value; required when defining QoS Properties.