(cosTime)This module implements the OMG CosTime::UTO interface.
To get access to the record definitions for the structures use:
'_get_time'(UTO) -> ulonglong()
UTO = #objref
This operation returns the time associated with the target object.
'_get_inaccuracy'(UTO) -> ulonglong()
UTO = #objref
This operation returns the inaccuracy associated with the target object.
'_get_tdf'(UTO) -> short()
UTO = #objref
This operation returns the time displacement factor associated with the target object.
'_get_utc_time'(UTO) -> UtcT
UTO = #objref
Utc = #'TimeBase_UtcT'{time, inacclo, inacchi, tdf}
time = ulonglong()
inacclo = ulong()
inacchi = ushort()
tdf = short()
This operation returns the data associated with the target object in Utc form.
absolute_time(UTO) -> OtherUTO
UTO = OtherUTO = #objref
This operation create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC). The time base is 15 october 1582 00:00. Comparing two time objects which use different time base is, by obvious reasons, pointless. Raises DATA_CONVERSION if causes an overflow. This operation is only useful if the target object represents a relative time.
compare_time(UTO, ComparisonType, OtherUTO) -> Reply
UTO = OtherUTO = #objref
ComparisonType = 'IntervalC' | 'MidC'
Reply = 'TCEqualTo' | 'TCLessThan' | 'TCGreaterThan' | 'TCIndeterminate'
This operation compares the time associated with the target object and the
given UTO object. The different ComparisonType
time_to_interval(UTO, OtherUTO) -> TIO
UTO = OtherUTO = TIO = #objref
This operation returns a TIO representing the interval between the target object and the given UTO midpoint times. The inaccuracy in the objects are not taken into consideration.
interval(UTO) -> TIO
UTO = TIO = #objref
This operation creates a TIO object representing the error interval
around the time value represented by the target object, i.e.,
TIO.upper_bound = UTO.time+UTO.inaccuracy
TIO.lower_bound = UTO.time-UTO.inaccuracy