

Erlang Debugger

Erlang Debugger for debugging and testing of Erlang programs.





start(Mode, File)

  • Mode = local | global
  • File = string()

Starts Debugger.

If given a file name as argument, Debugger will try to load its settings from this file. Refer to Debugger User's Guide for more information about settings.

If given local as argument, Debugger will interpret code only at the current node. If given global as argument, Debugger will interpret code at all known nodes, this is the default.

quick(Module, Name, Args)

  • Module = Name = atom()
  • Args = [term()]

This function can be used to debug a single process. The module Module is interpreted and apply(Module,Name,Args) is called. This will open an Attach Process window, refer to Debugger User's Guide for more information.