
Logging functionality for Common Test Framework.

Logging functionality for Common Test Framework.

This module implements

Internal logging of activities in Common Test Framework

Compilation of test results into index pages on several levels


init(Mode) -> Result

  • Mode = normal | interactive
  • Result = {StartTime, LogDir}
  • StartTime = term()
  • LogDir = string()

Initiate the logging mechanism (tool-internal use only).

This function is called by ct_util.erl when testing is started. A new directory named ct_run.<timestamp> is created and all logs are stored under this directory.

close(Info, StartDir) -> ok

Create index pages with test results and close the CT Log (tool-internal use only).

set_stylesheet(TC, SSFile) -> ok

clear_stylesheet(TC) -> ok

get_log_dir() -> {ok, Dir} | {error, Reason}

make_last_run_index() -> term()

init_tc(RefreshLog) -> ok

Test case initiation (tool-internal use only).

This function is called by ct_framework:init_tc/3

end_tc(TCPid) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Test case clean up (tool-internal use only).

This function is called by ct_framework:end_tc/3

log(Heading, Format, Args) -> ok

Log internal activity (tool-internal use only).

This function writes an entry to the currently active log, i.e. either the CT log or a test case log.

Heading is a short string indicating what type of activity it is. Format and Args is the data to log (as in io:format(Format,Args)).

start_log(Heading) -> ok

Starts the logging of an activity (tool-internal use only).

This function must be used in combination with cont_log/2 and end_log/0. The intention is to call start_log once, then cont_log any number of times and finally end_log once.

For information about the parameters, see log/3.

See also: cont_log/2, end_log/0, log/3.

cont_log(Format, Args) -> ok

Adds information about an activity (tool-internal use only).

See also: end_log/0, start_log/1.

end_log() -> ok

Ends the logging of an activity (tool-internal use only).

See also: cont_log/2, start_log/1.

add_external_logs(Logs) -> ok

  • Logs = [Log]
  • Log = string()

Print a link to each given Log in the test case log.

The given Logs must exist in the priv dir of the calling test suite.

add_link(Heading, File, Type) -> ok

  • Heading = string()
  • File = string()
  • Type = string()

Print a link to a given file stored in the priv_dir of the calling test suite.

tc_log(Category, Format, Args) -> ok

  • Category = atom()
  • Format = string()
  • Args = list()

Printout from a testcase.

This function is called by ct when logging stuff directly from a testcase (i.e. not from within the CT framework).

tc_print(Category, Format, Args) -> ok

  • Category = atom()
  • Format = string()
  • Args = list()

Console printout from a testcase.

This function is called by ct when printing stuff a testcase on the user console.

tc_pal(Category, Format, Args) -> ok

  • Category = atom()
  • Format = string()
  • Args = list()

Print and log from a testcase.

This function is called by ct when logging stuff directly from a testcase. The info is written both in the log and on the console.

make_all_runs_index(When) -> term()

make_all_suites_index(When) -> term()

simulate() -> pid()

Simulate the logger process.

Simulate the logger process - for use when testing code using ct_logs logging mechanism without using the ct environment. (E.g. when testing code with ts)

basic_html() -> true | false

View Functions