

Interface module to TPKT transport protocol for Megaco/H.248.

This module contains the public interface to the TPKT (TCP/IP) version transport protocol for Megaco/H.248.


start_transport() -> {ok, TransportRef}

  • TransportRef = pid()

This function is used for starting the TCP/IP transport service. Use exit(TransportRef, Reason) to stop the transport service.

listen(TransportRef, ListenPortSpecList) -> ok

  • TransportRef = pid() | regname()
  • OptionListPerPort = [Option]
  • Option = {port, integer()} |{options, list()} |{receive_handle, term()}

This function is used for starting new TPKT listening socket for TCP/IP. The option list contains the socket definitions.

connect(TransportRef, OptionList) -> {ok, Handle, ControlPid} | {error, Reason}

  • TransportRef = pid() | regname()
  • OptionList = [Option]
  • Option = {host, Ipaddr} | {port, integer()} |{options, list()} |{receive_handle, term()} |{module, atom()}
  • Handle = socket_handle()
  • ControlPid = pid()
  • Reason = term()

This function is used to open a TPKT connection.

The module option makes it possible for the user to provide their own callback module. The receive_message/4 or process_received_message/4 functions of this module is called when a new message is received (which one depends on the size of the message; small - receive_message, large - process_received_message). Default value is megaco.

close(Handle) -> ok

  • Handle = socket_handle()

This function is used for closing an active TPKT connection.

socket(Handle) -> Socket

  • Handle = socket_handle()
  • Socket = inet_socket()

This function is used to convert a socket_handle() to a inet_socket(). inet_socket() is a plain socket, see the inet module for more info.

send_message(Handle, Message) -> ok

  • Handle = socket_handle()
  • Message = binary() | iolist()

Sends a message on a connection.

block(Handle) -> ok

  • Handle = socket_handle()

Stop receiving incoming messages on the socket.

unblock(Handle) -> ok

  • Handle = socket_handle()

Starting to receive incoming messages from the socket again.

upgrade_receive_handle(ControlPid) -> ok

  • ControlPid = pid()

Update the receive handle of the control process (e.g. after having changed protocol version).

get_stats() -> {ok, TotalStats} | {error, Reason}

get_stats(SendHandle) -> {ok, SendHandleStats} | {error, Reason}

get_stats(SendHandle, Counter) -> {ok, CounterStats} | {error, Reason}

  • TotalStats = [send_handle_stats()]
  • total_stats() = {send_handle(), [stats()]}
  • SendHandle = send_handle()
  • SendHandleStats = [stats()]
  • Counter = tcp_stats_counter()
  • CounterStats = integer()
  • stats() = {tcp_stats_counter(), integer()}
  • tcp_stats_counter() = medGwyGatewayNumInMessages | medGwyGatewayNumInOctets | medGwyGatewayNumOutMessages | medGwyGatewayNumOutOctets | medGwyGatewayNumErrors
  • Reason = term()

Retreive the TCP related (SNMP) statistics counters.

reset_stats() -> void()

reset_stats(SendHandle) -> void()

  • SendHandle = send_handle()

Reset all TCP related (SNMP) statistics counters.

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