(stdlib)Standard I/O Server Interface Functions
This module provides an interface to standard Erlang I/O servers.
The output functions all return ok
if they are successful,
or exit if they are not.
In the following description, all functions have an optional
parameter IoDevice
. If included, it must be the pid of a
process which handles the IO protocols. Normally, it is the
returned by
For a description of the IO protocols refer to the STDLIB User's Guide.
As of R13A, data supplied to the put_chars function should be in the
format. This means that programs
supplying binaries to this function need to convert them to UTF-8
before trying to output the data on an IO device.
If an IO device is set in binary mode, the functions get_chars and get_line may return binaries instead of lists. The binaries will, as of R13A, be encoded in UTF-8.
To work with binaries in ISO-latin-1 encoding, use the file module instead.
For conversion functions between character encodings, see the unicode module.
device() = atom() | pid()
An IO device. Either standard_io
, standard_error
, a
registered name, or a pid handling IO protocols (returned from
opt_pair() =
{binary, boolean()} |
{echo, boolean()} |
{expand_fun, expand_fun()} |
{encoding, encoding()}
expand_fun() =
fun((term()) -> {yes | no, string(), [string(), ...]})
encoding() =
latin1 |
unicode |
utf8 |
utf16 |
utf32 |
{utf16, big | little} |
{utf32, big | little}
setopt() = binary | list | opt_pair()
format() = atom() | string() | binary()
location() = erl_scan:location()
prompt() = atom() | string()
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
What the I/O-server sends when there is no data.
columns() -> {ok, integer() >= 1} | {error, enotsup}
columns(IoDevice) -> {ok, integer() >= 1} | {error, enotsup}
IoDevice = device()
Retrieves the number of columns of the
(i.e. the width of a terminal). The function
only succeeds for terminal devices, for all other IO devices
the function returns {error, enotsup}
put_chars(CharData) -> ok
CharData = unicode:chardata()
put_chars(IoDevice, CharData) -> ok
IoDevice = device()
CharData = unicode:chardata()
Writes the characters of
to the I/O server
nl() -> ok
nl(IoDevice) -> ok
IoDevice = device()
Writes new line to the standard output (
get_chars(Prompt, Count) -> Data | server_no_data()
Prompt = prompt()
Count = integer() >= 0
Data = string() | unicode:unicode_binary()
get_chars(IoDevice, Prompt, Count) -> Data | server_no_data()
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Count = integer() >= 0
Data = string() | unicode:unicode_binary()
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
characters from standard input
), prompting it with
. It
The input characters. If the IO device supports Unicode, the data may represent codepoints larger than 255 (the latin1 range). If the I/O server is set to deliver binaries, they will be encoded in UTF-8 (regardless of if the IO device actually supports Unicode or not).
End of file was encountered.
{error, ErrorDescription }
Other (rare) error condition, for instance {error, estale}
if reading from an NFS file system.
get_line(Prompt) -> Data | server_no_data()
Prompt = prompt()
Data = string() | unicode:unicode_binary()
get_line(IoDevice, Prompt) -> Data | server_no_data()
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Data = string() | unicode:unicode_binary()
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads a line from the standard input (
prompting it with
. It returns:
The characters in the line terminated by a LF (or end of file). If the IO device supports Unicode, the data may represent codepoints larger than 255 (the latin1 range). If the I/O server is set to deliver binaries, they will be encoded in UTF-8 (regardless of if the IO device actually supports Unicode or not).
End of file was encountered.
{error, ErrorDescription }
Other (rare) error condition, for instance {error, estale}
if reading from an NFS file system.
getopts() -> [opt_pair()]
getopts(IoDevice) -> [opt_pair()]
IoDevice = device()
This function requests all available options and their current values for a specific IO device. Example:
1>{ok,F} = file:open("/dev/null",[read]).
{ok,<0.42.0>} 2>io:getopts(F).
Here the file I/O-server returns all available options for a file,
which are the expected ones, encoding
and binary
. The standard shell however has some more options:
3> io:getopts(). [{expand_fun,#Fun<group.0.120017273>}, {echo,true}, {binary,false}, {encoding,unicode}]
This example is, as can be seen, run in an environment where the terminal supports Unicode input and output.
printable_range() -> unicode | latin1
Return the user requested range of printable Unicode characters.
The user can request a range of characters that are to be considered printable in heuristic detection of strings by the shell and by the formatting functions. This is done by supplying +pc <range>
when starting Erlang.
Currently the only valid values for <range>
are latin1
and unicode
. latin1
means that only code points below 256 (with the exception of control characters etc) will be considered printable. unicode
means that all printable characters in all unicode character ranges are considered printable by the io functions.
By default, Erlang is started so that only the latin1
range of characters will indicate that a list of integers is a string.
The simplest way to utilize the setting is to call io_lib:printable_list/1, which will use the return value of this function to decide if a list is a string of printable characters or not.
In the future, this function may return more values and ranges. It is recommended to use the io_lib:printable_list/1 function to avoid compatibility problems.
setopts(Opts) -> ok | {error, Reason}
Opts = [setopt()]
Reason = term()
setopts(IoDevice, Opts) -> ok | {error, Reason}
Set options for the standard IO device (
Possible options and values vary depending on the actual IO device. For a list of supported options and their current values on a specific IO device, use the getopts/1 function.
The options and values supported by the current OTP IO devices are:
binary, list or {binary, boolean()}
If set in binary mode (binary
or {binary, true}
), the I/O server sends binary data (encoded in UTF-8) as answers to the get_line
, get_chars
and, if possible, get_until
requests (see the I/O protocol description in STDLIB User's Guide for details). The immediate effect is that get_chars/2,3
and get_line/1,2
return UTF-8 binaries instead of lists of chars for the affected IO device.
By default, all IO devices in OTP are set in list mode, but the I/O functions can handle any of these modes and so should other, user written, modules behaving as clients to I/O-servers.
This option is supported by the standard shell (group.erl
), the 'oldshell' (user.erl
) and the file I/O servers.
{echo, boolean()}
Denotes if the terminal should echo input. Only supported for the standard shell I/O-server (group.erl
{expand_fun, expand_fun()}
Provide a function for tab-completion (expansion)
like the Erlang shell. This function is called
when the user presses the TAB key. The expansion is
active when calling line-reading functions such as
The function is called with the current line, upto
the cursor, as a reversed string. It should return a
three-tuple: {yes|no, string(), [string(), ...]}
. The
first element gives a beep if no
, otherwise the
expansion is silent, the second is a string that will be
entered at the cursor position, and the third is a list of
possible expansions. If this list is non-empty, the list
will be printed and the current input line will be written
once again.
Trivial example (beep on anything except empty line, which
is expanded to "quit"
fun("") -> {yes, "quit", []}; (_) -> {no, "", ["quit"]} end
This option is supported by the standard shell only (group.erl
{encoding, latin1 | unicode}
Specifies how characters are input or output from or to the actual IO device, implying that i.e. a terminal is set to handle Unicode input and output or a file is set to handle UTF-8 data encoding.
The option does not affect how data is returned from the I/O functions or how it is sent in the I/O-protocol, it only affects how the IO device is to handle Unicode characters towards the "physical" device.
The standard shell will be set for either Unicode or latin1 encoding when the system is started. The actual encoding is set with the help of the LANG
environment variables on Unix-like system or by other means on other systems. The bottom line is that the user can input Unicode characters and the IO device will be in {encoding, unicode}
mode if the IO device supports it. The mode can be changed, if the assumption of the runtime system is wrong, by setting this option.
The IO device used when Erlang is started with the "-oldshell" or "-noshell" flags is by default set to latin1 encoding, meaning that any characters beyond codepoint 255 will be escaped and that input is expected to be plain 8-bit ISO-latin-1. If the encoding is changed to Unicode, input and output from the standard file descriptors will be in UTF-8 (regardless of operating system).
Files can also be set in {encoding, unicode}
, meaning that data is written and read as UTF-8. More encodings are possible for files, see below.
{encoding, unicode | latin1}
is supported by both the standard shell (group.erl
including werl
on Windows�), the 'oldshell' (user.erl
) and the file I/O servers.
{encoding, utf8 | utf16 | utf32 | {utf16,big} | {utf16,little} | {utf32,big} | {utf32,little}}
For disk files, the encoding can be set to various UTF variants. This will have the effect that data is expected to be read as the specified encoding from the file and the data will be written in the specified encoding to the disk file.
{encoding, utf8}
will have the same effect as {encoding, unicode}
on files.
The extended encodings are only supported on disk files (opened by the file:open/2 function)
write(Term) -> ok
Term = term()
write(IoDevice, Term) -> ok
IoDevice = device()
Term = term()
Writes the term
to the standard output
read(Prompt) -> Result
Prompt = prompt()
Result =
{ok, Term :: term()} | server_no_data() | {error, ErrorInfo}ErrorInfo = erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info()
read(IoDevice, Prompt) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Result =
{ok, Term :: term()} | server_no_data() | {error, ErrorInfo}ErrorInfo = erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info()
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads a term
from the standard input
), prompting it with
. It
{ok, Term }
The parsing was successful.
End of file was encountered.
{error, ErrorInfo }
The parsing failed.
{error, ErrorDescription }
Other (rare) error condition, for instance {error, estale}
if reading from an NFS file system.
read(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Result =
{ok, Term :: term(), EndLocation :: location()} |
{eof, EndLocation :: location()} |
server_no_data() |
{error, ErrorInfo, ErrorLocation :: location()}ErrorInfo = erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info()
read(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation, Options) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Options = erl_scan:options()
Result =
{ok, Term :: term(), EndLocation :: location()} |
{eof, EndLocation :: location()} |
server_no_data() |
{error, ErrorInfo, ErrorLocation :: location()}ErrorInfo = erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info()
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads a term
, prompting it
. Reading starts at location
. The argument
is passed on as the Options
argument of the erl_scan:tokens/4
function. It returns:
{ok, Term, EndLocation }
The parsing was successful.
{eof, EndLocation }
End of file was encountered.
{error, ErrorInfo , ErrorLocation }
The parsing failed.
{error, ErrorDescription }
Other (rare) error condition, for instance {error, estale}
if reading from an NFS file system.
fwrite(Format) -> ok
Format = format()
fwrite(Format, Data) -> ok
Format = format()
Data = [term()]
fwrite(IoDevice, Format, Data) -> ok
format(Format) -> ok
Format = format()
format(Format, Data) -> ok
Format = format()
Data = [term()]
format(IoDevice, Format, Data) -> ok
Writes the items in
) on the standard
output (
) in accordance with
contains plain characters which are copied to
the output device, and control sequences for formatting, see
below. If
is an atom or a binary, it is first
converted to a list with the aid of atom_to_list/1
or binary_to_list/1
1> io:fwrite("Hello world!~n", []).
Hello world!
The general format of a control sequence is ~F.P.PadModC
The character C
determines the type of control sequence
to be used, F
and P
are optional numeric
arguments. If F
, P
, or Pad
is *
the next argument in Data
is used as the numeric value
of F
or P
is the field width
of the printed argument. A
negative value means that the argument will be left justified
within the field, otherwise it will be right justified. If no
field width is specified, the required print width will be
used. If the field width specified is too small, then the
whole field will be filled with *
is the precision
of the printed argument. A
default value is used if no precision is specified. The
interpretation of precision depends on the control sequences.
Unless otherwise specified, the argument within
is used
to determine print width.
is the padding character. This is the character
used to pad the printed representation of the argument so that
it conforms to the specified field width and precision. Only
one padding character can be specified and, whenever
applicable, it is used for both the field width and precision.
The default padding character is ' '
is the control sequence modifier. It is either a
single character (currently only t
, for Unicode
translation, and l
, for stopping p
from detecting printable characters, are supported)
that changes the interpretation of Data.
The following control sequences are available:
The character ~
is written.
The argument is a number that will be interpreted as an ASCII code. The precision is the number of times the character is printed and it defaults to the field width, which in turn defaults to 1. The following example illustrates:
1> io:fwrite("|~10.5c|~-10.5c|~5c|~n", [$a, $b, $c]).
| aaaaa|bbbbb |ccccc|
If the Unicode translation modifier (t
) is in effect,
the integer argument can be any number representing a
valid Unicode codepoint, otherwise it should be an integer
less than or equal to 255, otherwise it is masked with 16#FF:
\x{400} ok 3>io:fwrite("~c~n",[1024]).
^@ ok
The argument is a float which is written as
, where the precision is the number of
digits after the decimal point. The default precision is 6
and it cannot be less than 1.
The argument is a float which is written as
, where the precision is the number
of digits written. The default precision is 6 and it
cannot be less than 2.
The argument is a float which is written as f
, if
it is >= 0.1 and < 10000.0. Otherwise, it is written
in the e
format. The precision is the number of
significant digits. It defaults to 6 and should not be
less than 2. If the absolute value of the float does not
allow it to be written in the f
format with the
desired number of significant digits, it is also written
in the e
Prints the argument with the string syntax. The
argument is, if no Unicode translation modifier is present, an
, a binary()
, or an atom()
If the Unicode translation modifier (t
) is in effect,
the argument is unicode:chardata()
, meaning that
binaries are in UTF-8. The characters
are printed without quotes. The string is first truncated
by the given precision and then padded and justified
to the given field width. The default precision is the field width.
This format can be used for printing any object and truncating the output so it fits a specified field:
1>io:fwrite("|~10w|~n", [{hey, hey, hey}]).
|**********| ok 2>io:fwrite("|~10s|~n", [io_lib:write({hey, hey, hey})]).
|{hey,hey,h| 3>io:fwrite("|~-10.8s|~n", [io_lib:write({hey, hey, hey})]).
|{hey,hey | ok
A list with integers larger than 255 is considered an error if the Unicode translation modifier is not given:
\x{400} ok 5>io:fwrite("~s~n",[[1024]]).
** exception exit: {badarg,[{io,format,[<0.26.0>,"~s~n",[[1024]]]}, ...
Writes data with the standard syntax. This is used to output Erlang terms. Atoms are printed within quotes if they contain embedded non-printable characters, and floats are printed accurately as the shortest, correctly rounded string.
Writes the data with standard syntax in the same way as
, but breaks terms whose printed representation
is longer than one line into many lines and indents each
line sensibly. It also tries to detect lists of
printable characters and to output these as strings. The
Unicode translation modifier is used for determining
what characters are printable. For example:
1>T = [{attributes,[[{id,age,1.50000},{mode,explicit},
{typename,"INTEGER"}], [{id,cho},{mode,explicit},{typename,'Cho'}]]},
... 2>io:fwrite("~w~n", [T]).
[{attributes,[[{id,age,1.5},{mode,explicit},{typename, [73,78,84,69,71,69,82]}],[{id,cho},{mode,explicit},{typena me,'Cho'}]]},{typename,'Person'},{tag,{'PRIVATE',3}},{mode ,implicit}] ok 3>io:fwrite("~62p~n", [T]).
[{attributes,[[{id,age,1.5}, {mode,explicit}, {typename,"INTEGER"}], [{id,cho},{mode,explicit},{typename,'Cho'}]]}, {typename,'Person'}, {tag,{'PRIVATE',3}}, {mode,implicit}] ok
The field width specifies the maximum line length. It
defaults to 80. The precision specifies the initial
indentation of the term. It defaults to the number of
characters printed on this line in the same
call to
or io:format
. For example, using
4> io:fwrite("Here T = ~62p~n", [T]).
Here T = [{attributes,[[{id,age,1.5},
When the modifier l
is given no detection of
printable character lists will take place. For example:
5>S = [{a,"a"}, {b, "b"}].
6>io:fwrite("~15p~n", [S]).
[{a,"a"}, {b,"b"}] ok 7>io:fwrite("~15lp~n", [S]).
[{a,[97]}, {b,[98]}] ok
Binaries that look like UTF-8 encoded strings will be output with the string syntax if the Unicode translation modifier is given:
[1024] 10>io:fwrite("~tp~n",[[1024]]).
"\x{400}" 11>io:fwrite("~tp~n", [<<128,128>>]).
<<128,128>> 12>io:fwrite("~tp~n", [<<208,128>>]).
<<"\x{400}"/utf8>> ok
Writes data in the same way as ~w
, but takes an
extra argument which is the maximum depth to which terms
are printed. Anything below this depth is replaced with
. For example, using T
8> io:fwrite("~W~n", [T,9]).
If the maximum depth has been reached, then it is
impossible to read in the resultant output. Also, the
form in a tuple denotes that there are more
elements in the tuple but these are below the print depth.
Writes data in the same way as ~p
, but takes an
extra argument which is the maximum depth to which terms
are printed. Anything below this depth is replaced with
. For example:
9> io:fwrite("~62P~n", [T,9]).
Writes an integer in base 2..36, the default base is 10. A leading dash is printed for negative integers.
The precision field selects base. For example:
1>io:fwrite("~.16B~n", [31]).
1F ok 2>io:fwrite("~.2B~n", [-19]).
-10011 ok 3>io:fwrite("~.36B~n", [5*36+35]).
5Z ok
Like B
, but takes an extra argument that is a
prefix to insert before the number, but after the leading
dash, if any.
The prefix can be a possibly deep list of characters or an atom.
1>io:fwrite("~X~n", [31,"10#"]).
10#31 ok 2>io:fwrite("~.16X~n", [-31,"0x"]).
-0x1F ok
Like B
, but prints the number with an Erlang style
-separated base prefix.
1>io:fwrite("~.10#~n", [31]).
10#31 ok 2>io:fwrite("~.16#~n", [-31]).
-16#1F ok
Like B
, but prints lowercase letters.
Like X
, but prints lowercase letters.
Like #
, but prints lowercase letters.
Writes a new line.
Ignores the next term.
The formatting succeeded.
If an error occurs, there is no output. For example:
1>io:fwrite("~s ~w ~i ~w ~c ~n",['abc def', 'abc def', {foo, 1},{foo, 1}, 65]).
abc def 'abc def' {foo,1} A ok 2>io:fwrite("~s", [65]).
** exception exit: {badarg,[{io,format,[<0.22.0>,"~s","A"]}, {erl_eval,do_apply,5}, {shell,exprs,6}, {shell,eval_exprs,6}, {shell,eval_loop,3}]} in function io:o_request/2
In this example, an attempt was made to output the single character 65 with the aid of the string formatting directive "~s".
fread(Prompt, Format) -> Result
fread(IoDevice, Prompt, Format) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Format = format()
Result =
{ok, Terms :: [term()]} |
{error, {fread, FreadError :: io_lib:fread_error()}} |
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads characters from the standard input (
prompting it with
. Interprets the characters in
accordance with
contains control
sequences which directs the interpretation of the input.
may contain:
White space characters (SPACE, TAB and NEWLINE) which cause input to be read to the next non-white space character.
Ordinary characters which must match the next input character.
Control sequences, which have the general format
. The character*
is an optional return suppression character. It provides a method to specify a field which is to be omitted.F
is thefield width
of the input field,M
is an optional translation modifier (of whicht
is the only currently supported, meaning Unicode translation) andC
determines the type of control sequence.Unless otherwise specified, leading white-space is ignored for all control sequences. An input field cannot be more than one line wide. The following control sequences are available:
A single
is expected in the input.d
A decimal integer is expected.
An unsigned integer in base 2..36 is expected. The field width parameter is used to specify base. Leading white-space characters are not skipped.
An optional sign character is expected. A sign character
gives the return value-1
. Sign character+
or none gives1
. The field width parameter is ignored. Leading white-space characters are not skipped.#
An integer in base 2..36 with Erlang-style base prefix (for example
) is expected.f
A floating point number is expected. It must follow the Erlang floating point number syntax.
A string of non-white-space characters is read. If a field width has been specified, this number of characters are read and all trailing white-space characters are stripped. An Erlang string (list of characters) is returned.
If Unicode translation is in effect (
), characters larger than 255 are accepted, otherwise not. With the translation modifier, the list returned may as a consequence also contain integers larger than 255:1>
io:fread("Prompt> ","~s").
Prompt><Characters beyond latin1 range not printable in this medium>
{error,{fread,string}} 2>io:fread("Prompt> ","~ts").
Prompt><Characters beyond latin1 range not printable in this medium>
Similar to
, but the resulting string is converted into an atom.The Unicode translation modifier is not allowed (atoms can not contain characters beyond the latin1 range).
The number of characters equal to the field width are read (default is 1) and returned as an Erlang string. However, leading and trailing white-space characters are not omitted as they are with
. All characters are returned.The Unicode translation modifier works as with
io:fread("Prompt> ","~c").
Prompt><Character beyond latin1 range not printable in this medium>
{error,{fread,string}} 2>io:fread("Prompt> ","~tc").
Prompt><Character beyond latin1 range not printable in this medium>
Returns the number of characters which have been scanned up to that point, including white-space characters.
It returns:
Terms }The read was successful and
is the list of successfully matched and read items.Terms eof
End of file was encountered.
FreadError }The reading failed and
gives a hint about the error.{error,
ErrorDescription }The read operation failed and the parameter
gives a hint about the error.ErrorDescription
20>io:fread('enter>', "~f~f~f").
enter>1.9 35.5e3 15.0
{ok,[1.9,3.55e4,15.0]} 21>io:fread('enter>', "~10f~d").
{ok,[5.678,99]} 22>io:fread('enter>', ":~10s:~10c:").
{ok, ["alan", " joe "]}
rows() -> {ok, integer() >= 1} | {error, enotsup}
rows(IoDevice) -> {ok, integer() >= 1} | {error, enotsup}
IoDevice = device()
Retrieves the number of rows of the
(i.e. the height of a terminal). The function
only succeeds for terminal devices, for all other IO devices
the function returns {error, enotsup}
scan_erl_exprs(Prompt) -> Result
Prompt = prompt()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
scan_erl_exprs(Device, Prompt) -> Result
Device = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
scan_erl_exprs(Device, Prompt, StartLocation) -> Result
Device = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
scan_erl_exprs(Device, Prompt, StartLocation, Options) -> Result
Device = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Options = erl_scan:options()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads data from the standard input (IoDevice
prompting it with Prompt
. Reading starts at location
). The argument
is passed on as the Options
argument of the
function. The data is tokenized as if
it were a
sequence of Erlang expressions until a final dot (.
) is
reached. This token is also returned. It returns:
{ok, Tokens, EndLocation}
The tokenization succeeded.
{eof, EndLocation}
End of file was encountered by the tokenizer.
End of file was encountered by the I/O-server.
{error, ErrorInfo, ErrorLocation}
An error occurred while tokenizing.
{error, ErrorDescription }
Other (rare) error condition, for instance {error, estale}
if reading from an NFS file system.
enter>abc(), "hey".
{ok,[{atom,1,abc},{'(',1},{')',1},{',',1},{string,1,"hey"},{dot,1}],2} 24>io:scan_erl_exprs('enter>').
scan_erl_form(Prompt) -> Result
Prompt = prompt()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
scan_erl_form(IoDevice, Prompt) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
scan_erl_form(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
scan_erl_form(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation, Options) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Options = erl_scan:options()
Result = erl_scan:tokens_result() | server_no_data()
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads data from the standard input (
prompting it with
. Starts reading
at location
). The
is passed on as the
argument of the erl_scan:tokens/4
function. The data is tokenized as if it were an
Erlang form - one of the valid Erlang expressions in an
Erlang source file - until a final dot (.
) is reached.
This last token is also returned. The return values are the
same as for scan_erl_exprs/1,2,3
parse_erl_exprs(Prompt) -> Result
Prompt = prompt()
Result = parse_ret()
parse_erl_exprs(IoDevice, Prompt) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Result = parse_ret()
parse_erl_exprs(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Result = parse_ret()
parse_erl_exprs(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation, Options) ->
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Options = erl_scan:options()
Result = parse_ret()
parse_ret() =
ExprList :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
EndLocation :: location()} |
{eof, EndLocation :: location()} |
ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info(),
ErrorLocation :: location()} |
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads data from the standard input
), prompting it with
. Starts reading at location
). The argument
is passed on as the
argument of the erl_scan:tokens/4
function. The data is tokenized and parsed as if it were a
sequence of Erlang expressions until a final dot (.
) is reached.
It returns:
{ok, ExprList, EndLocation}
The parsing was successful.
{eof, EndLocation}
End of file was encountered by the tokenizer.
End of file was encountered by the I/O-server.
{error, ErrorInfo, ErrorLocation}
An error occurred while tokenizing or parsing.
{error, ErrorDescription }
Other (rare) error condition, for instance {error, estale}
if reading from an NFS file system.
enter>abc(), "hey".
{ok, [{call,1,{atom,1,abc},[]},{string,1,"hey"}],2} 26>io:parse_erl_exprs ('enter>').
{error,{1,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ",["'.'"]]},2}
parse_erl_form(Prompt) -> Result
Prompt = prompt()
Result = parse_form_ret()
parse_erl_form(IoDevice, Prompt) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
Result = parse_form_ret()
parse_erl_form(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Result = parse_form_ret()
parse_erl_form(IoDevice, Prompt, StartLocation, Options) -> Result
IoDevice = device()
Prompt = prompt()
StartLocation = location()
Options = erl_scan:options()
Result = parse_form_ret()
parse_form_ret() =
AbsForm :: erl_parse:abstract_form(),
EndLocation :: location()} |
{eof, EndLocation :: location()} |
ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info(),
ErrorLocation :: location()} |
server_no_data() = {error, ErrorDescription :: term()} | eof
Reads data from the standard input (
prompting it with
. Starts reading at
). The argument
is passed on as the
argument of the erl_scan:tokens/4
function. The data is tokenized and parsed as if
it were an Erlang form - one of the valid Erlang expressions
in an Erlang source file - until a final dot (.
) is reached. It
{ok, AbsForm, EndLocation}
The parsing was successful.
{eof, EndLocation}
End of file was encountered by the tokenizer.
End of file was encountered by the I/O-server.
{error, ErrorInfo, ErrorLocation}
An error occurred while tokenizing or parsing.
{error, ErrorDescription }
Other (rare) error condition, for instance {error, estale}
if reading from an NFS file system.
Standard Input/Output
All Erlang processes have a default standard IO device. This
device is used when no IoDevice
argument is specified in
the above function calls. However, it is sometimes desirable to
use an explicit IoDevice
argument which refers to the
default IO device. This is the case with functions that can
access either a file or the default IO device. The atom
has this special meaning. The following example
illustrates this:
{ok,foo} 28>io:read(standard_io, 'enter>').
There is always a process registered under the name of
. This can be used for sending output to the user.
Standard Error
In certain situations, especially when the standard output is redirected, access to an I/O-server specific for error messages might be convenient. The IO device standard_error
can be used to direct output to whatever the current operating system considers a suitable IO device for error output. Example on a Unix-like operating system:
$erl -noshell -noinput -eval 'io:format(standard_error,"Error: ~s~n",["error 11"]),'\
'init:stop().' > /dev/null
Error: error 11
Error Information
The ErrorInfo
mentioned above is the standard
structure which is returned from all IO modules.
It has the format:
{ErrorLocation, Module, ErrorDescriptor}
A string which describes the error is obtained with the following call: