Behavior describing the API for an SSH client's public key handling. By implementing the callbacks defined. in this behavior it is possible to customize the SSH client's public key handling. By default the SSH application implements this behavior with help of the standard openssh files, see ssh(6).
Type definitions that are used more than once in this module and/or abstractions to indicate the intended use of the data type:
boolean() = true | false
string() = [byte()]
public_key() = #'RSAPublicKey'{}| {integer(), #'Dss-Parms'{}}| term()
private_key() = #'RSAPublicKey'{}| {integer(), #'Dss-Parms'{}}| term()
public_key_algorithm() = 'ssh-rsa'| 'ssh-dss' | atom()
Module:add_host_key(HostNames, Key, ConnectOptions) -> ok | {error, Reason}
HostNames = string()
Key = public_key()
ConnectOptions = proplists:proplist()
Reason = term()
Adds a host key to the set of trusted host keys
Module:is_host_key(Key, Host, Algorithm, ConnectOptions) -> Result
Key = public_key()
Host = string()
Algorithm = public_key_algorithm()
ConnectOptions = proplists:proplist()
Result = boolean()
Checks if a host key is trusted
Module:user_key(Algorithm, ConnectOptions) -> {ok, PrivateKey} | {error, Reason}
Algorithm = public_key_algorithm()
ConnectOptions = proplists:proplist()
PrivateKey = private_key()
Reason = term()
Fetches the users "public key" matching the Algorithm
The private key contains the public key