

Internal Erlang Definitions

This module defines Erlang BIFs, guard tests and operators. This module is only of interest to programmers who manipulate Erlang code.


bif(Name, Arity) -> boolean()

  • Name = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if Name/Arity is an Erlang BIF which is automatically recognized by the compiler, otherwise false.

guard_bif(Name, Arity) -> boolean()

  • Name = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if Name/Arity is an Erlang BIF which is allowed in guards, otherwise false.

type_test(Name, Arity) -> boolean()

  • Name = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if Name/Arity is a valid Erlang type test, otherwise false.

arith_op(OpName, Arity) -> boolean()

  • OpName = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if OpName/Arity is an arithmetic operator, otherwise false.

bool_op(OpName, Arity) -> boolean()

  • OpName = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if OpName/Arity is a Boolean operator, otherwise false.

comp_op(OpName, Arity) -> boolean()

  • OpName = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if OpName/Arity is a comparison operator, otherwise false.

list_op(OpName, Arity) -> boolean()

  • OpName = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if OpName/Arity is a list operator, otherwise false.

send_op(OpName, Arity) -> boolean()

  • OpName = atom()
  • Arity = arity()

Returns true if OpName/Arity is a send operator, otherwise false.

op_type(OpName, Arity) -> Type

  • OpName = atom()
  • Arity = arity()
  • Type = arith | bool | comp | list | send

Returns the Type of operator that OpName/Arity belongs to, or generates a function_clause error if it is not an operator at all.